Debate: “Feminismo Além do Bem e do Mal: aliança feminista contra o machismo velado” Vange Leonel, Elisa Gargiulo and Márcia Tiburi. By Isaac Filho

Debate “Feminismo Além do Bem e do Mal: aliança feminista contra o machismo velado”
By Isaac Filho

Books and cd mostly of international bands. By Isaac Filho

Pump (punk/hardcore) from Recife. By Carol Ribeiro

Stella Can (hard rock)from Porto Alegre. When they played Highway to heel, from ACDC, everybody dancend and enjoyed. They're a trio and the lead singer is the baterist (My very bad. Thinking in portuguesenglish and without attention is'nt good. baterista means drummer in portuguese). Its very good to see them playing. I didn't know them until Ladyfest, it was a good surprise. By Elaine Campos

NoSkill, hardcore, from Natal. By Carol Ribeiro

Dominatrix by Elaine Campos
Dominatrix is a brazilian feminist hardcore band. I guess is the best known feminist hardcore brazilian band outside Brazil. They toured US with The Haggard some years back. One of the most important feminist band of Brazil.

Debora Biana, baterist of Dominatrix in her bery last show with the band. By Elaine Campos

May 21, in Centro Cultural da Juventude, São Paulo. By Elaine Campos

This one I took, and I can't take pics. She's amazing.

Team Dresch Sensação by Carol Ribeiro

My first and best Ladyfest. Ever? By Carol Ribeiro

Jody by Elaine Campos

Setlist by Carol Ribeiro

Lots of girls and sing alongs, and they were playing. By Isaac Filho
That's it. My photoreview, and I don't know if photoreview is actually a word. But ya know what I mean. Who cares about writing and reading it anyway. I have a few videos of the show to add, if it's not horrible I'll update here.
2 comentários:
Her words saved me (L).
Ai, até hoje tenho saudade daqueles dias no ap da má. Parece que foi sonho.. =~~
Noskill é de João Pessoa. :)
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