I don't know why I'm posting like crazy this last days. I mean I gotta a bus to take tomorrow and here I am posting things and downloading bands, listening to the first time to Gayrilla Biscuits EP. I know I'll be sorry on the morning.
But, about this post: it's abou the VA - We’re Still Pissed! An Int. Female Fronted HC-Punk. It's not new but I just found about and want to share this here. I'am talking about 5 cds full of bands from late 80s to 00's, pissed girls rock I say. And to be honest I haven't download the VA yet, but of course I'll.
Taking a look on the bands of the compilation those are the brazilian bands:
Infect (PINTOCORE from Brazil, this is for me the BEST BRAZILIAN HARDCORE BAND, if you didn't listen yet do it for yourself) the music is "EM NOSSAS MÃOS".
No Rest (If I'm not wrong is the first brazilian grindcore band with a woman singing).
Triste fim de Rosilene (great band from Aracaju, thrashcore+fastasyoucan).
Bulimia, one of the first punk girls bands I listened to, one of the best of Brazil, I heard a lot of shit about the way they played, but this people are anacrhonic. They're from Distrito Federal.
Justiça (from São Paulo, Thrashcore).
xConvictusx (I heard a few times but I guess it's not a mistake to say that they play hardcore oldschool).
Arma Laranja (from Curitiba), punk rock, great band. Somewhere this blog I post the interview I mande with then sometime ago.
Kaos Klitoriano (from Distrito Federal), with Bulimia representing DF, they've been playing in a long time, one of the first brazilian girl bands.
Besta Fera (Great punk rock band from São Paulo, the first demo is the best for me. Songs well written that I related a lot. I want to upload the first demo to you to get to know then). In Distorção #1 there's a great interview, it's in portuguese.
Cosmogonia (from São Paulo), another great band, one of the first punk hardcore band (they're Bulimia, Kaos Klitoriano and Cosmogonia). I have a zine that for a long time a read their lyrics but I didn't heard cause I didn't have access to internet.
These brazilian bands represent well brazilian hardcore bands, although I miss Dominatrix and No Class.
Pra quem não entende lhufas de inglês: compilação de bandas do fim dos 80 início dos 00 com bandas de/com mulheres, de hardcore. Encontrei essa compilação recentemente e ainda não baixei, mas vou. Listei as bandas brasileiras pros gringos que não conhecem, conhecerem. Comecei escrevendo em inglês, por isso a preguiça de falar pra vocês o que provavelmente todxs já sabem. E esse ritmo frenético de postagem eu não sei o porque.
VA - We’re Still Pissed! An Int. Female Fronted HC-Punk Compilation Disc 1
Elektroduendes (Spain) - Desde La Rendija (1:39)
Extinzione (Italy) - 8 Marzo (1:28)
Milkhouse (Spain) - No Podras (2:27)
Operation Eat Shit (France) - You Don’t Listen,You Just Hear (1:34)
Retching Red (U.S.A.) - Lying Sacks Of Shit (1:36)
Love It Or Leave It (Canada) - Poor Boy (1:16)
The Assassinators (Denmark) - Når Voksne Leger (2:15)
The Kanamits (U.S.A.) - Blindfolded + All That Matters (1:24)
Siren (U.S.A.) - The Struggle Goes On (1:19)
Infect (Brasil) - Em Nossas Maos (1:50)
Call The Police (U.S.A.) - Grind To Freedom (2:45)
Burning Kitchen (Sweden) - Impact (2:11)
Contra La Contra (Belarus) - Putin Ubijca (1:12)
La Fraction (France) - Allez (2:37)
Shortsight (Belgium) - Screaming Trees (2:55)
No Rest (Brasil) - Eu Ja Cansei (1:59)
Antiglobalizator (Belarus) - Ïîä Êîíòðîëåì! (2:00)
Witch Hunt (U.S.A.) - Fed Up! (1:42)
Triste Fim De Rosilene (Brasil) - O Desvelamento Da Verdade (2:10)
Polikarpa Y Sus Viciosas (Colombia) - Una De Piratas (2:23)
Eye For An Eye (Poland) - Konflikt (1:53)
Ruidosa Inmundicia (Austria-Chile) - Nunca Mas (1:03)
Tragatelo (U.S.A.) - Resiste La Colonizacion! (1:36)
Trust (Argentina) - Egoismo (1:59)
Apatia No (Venezuela) - Ya Basta (1:19)
F Minus (U.S.A.) - Worth The Cost (1:02)
I Object! (U.S.A.) - The Way You Play Guitar Is Revolutionary (1:30)
The Gaia (Japan) - Find Out (1:25)
Kamikatze (Sweden) - Knit And Trash (1:01)
Minor Disturbance (Germany) - Skate For Pretty (1:03)
Call The Cops (U.S.A.) - Paris (Rough Mix) (2:09)
Gorilla Angreb (Denmark) - Soldat Til Leje (1:19)
Naked Agression (U.S.A.) - Revolt (1:53)
All Or Nothing (U.S.A.) - Todos Son Los Dias (2:30)
Peligro Social (U.S.A.) - Chic@S Alcohol (3:23)
All In The Game (Holland) - Cutting (2:49)
Urbanos Hc (Argentina) - Urbanos (2:30)
Fertil Miseria (Colombia) - Cerebros Castrados (1:44)
Blitz Babiez (Australia) - Gratznog (2:56)
Inner Conflict - (Germany) - Were Still Pissed!!! (2:21)
VA - We’re Still Pissed! An Int. Female Fronted HC-Punk Compilation Disc 2
Intifada - Minero Del Socavons (Colombia) (2:37)
Desadaptados (Colombia) - Lamentos De Suburbio (2:52)
Kismet HC (UK) - Dog Shadow (2:42)
Amsterdamned (Holland) - Bellroom Dancing (1:23)
Banjax (Japan) - Japanese Title (1:42)
Conflict (U.S.A.) - Slide (0:58)
Bizkids (Holland) - Secret (1:51)
Cocadictos (Spain) Salve A Tu Nacion (1:49)
Hyper Hindu Squaterrs (Japan) - Japanese Title (1:25)
Look Back And Laugh (U.S.A.) - Kick The Chair (1:12)
Sick Fix (U.S.A.) - Scum Of The Fucking Earth (1:03)
The Fa (Germany) - Wait And Pass Out (0:38)
Brain Death (Japan) - Whistle (1:11)
Sacrilege (U.S.A.) - Bloodlust (3:01)
Shotgun (Japan) - Impatient (1:50)
Indirekt (Holland) - Shell Helpt (1:18)
Initial Reaction (U.S.A.) - Stuck In Suburbia (3:30)
No Thanks (U.S.A.) - Are You Ready To Die (0:46)
Dona Florinda (Brasil) - P.Q.P Patio (1:11)
No Control (U.S.A.) - Johnny (1:27)
Bulimia (Brasil) - Uniao (1:15)
Las Vulpess (Basque Country) - Me Gusta Ser Una Zorra (2:32)
Sin 34 (U.S.A.) - Runaway (0:28)
Krunchies (U.S.A.) - Sobriety Anxiety (1:18)
The New Justice Team (Australia) - Last Laugh #1 (2:13)
Sado Nation (U.S.A.) - On The Wall (0:41)
Nog Watt (Holland) - Neighbourhood Watch (2:08)
Area 51 (U.S.A.) - 11 Years Too Late (1:18)
Justica (Brasil) - Voce E O Alvo (0:56)
Chute De Esperma (Gran Canaria) - No Kiero Mas (2:24)
Pandamonium (U.S.A.) - No Expectations (1:04)
The Bayonettes (U.S.A.) - Tension (1:18)
Squits (Holland) - Porno Pirate (1:26)
The Beatings (U.S.A.) - Psycho Chicks (0:33)
Hellsister (Malaysia) - Sexist Bastard (2:19)
The Two Bit Terribles (U.S.A) - Nothin’ Doin’ (1:09)
Bread And Water (U.S.A.) - Death Sentence (1:18)
Zweetkutten (Holland) - Geen Geloof (0:48)
Vado Permanente (Gran Canaria) - Machistas-Feministas (1:01)
Contropotere (Italy) - Urizen (5:13)
VA - We’re Still Pissed! An Int. Female Fronted HC-Punk Compilation Disc 3
Alakulttuurin Kusipaat (Finland) - Noitavaino (2:27)
Vae Victis (Turkey) - Tek Tabanca (1:18)
Jetset (Holland) - Afrika (0:45)
Crap Corpse (U.S.A.) - School For Troubled Youth (1:30)
Downright (Italy) - L’essenza Della Leggerezza (1:19)
Bruise Violet (U.S.A.) - Panic Attack (2:36)
Civil Aggression (France) - Provoc’ De Minable (1:42)
Nurse (Japan) - Japanese Title (1:42)
Substencia (U.S.A.) - Zapattista Guerrer@ Tezcatlipoca (2:40)
Crushedxup (Italy) - Brainwashing (0:57)
All For Nothing (Holland) - Shattered (2:29)
Bitch Fight (U.S.A.) - Dumb Bitch In Love (1:22)
Zoi (France) - Psaulme 1 (1:05)
Conga Fury (Japan) - Money Makes The More Go (1:39)
Appalachian Terror Unit (Usa) - Endless Bloodshed (2:58)
Xconvictusx (Brasil) - Industria Da Morte (2:18)
Voetsek (U.S.A.) - Fighting Somebody Else’s War For Shits ‘N Giggles (0:41)
Rainbow Of Death (France) - Hellectric Guitarmy (0:38)
The Conversions (U.S.A.) - Dictated Desires (1:36)
The Comes (Japan) - Medium (1:44)
Ss-20 (Mexico) - Otro Dia (2:33)
Systematic Overthrow (U.S.A.) - Before It’s Too Late (1:16)
Devil Shoots Devil (Russia) - 18 Let (2:08)
After The Bombs (U.S.A.)- Life In Fear (2:13)
Juggling Jugulars (Finland) - Zero Tolerance (0:23)
Sju Svåra År (Sweden) - Pappa (2:10)
Red Thread (U.S.A.) - Red Threat (1:03)
No Value (Japan) - A.D.D. (1:00)
Nodslakt (Sweden) - Pantkassar Och Inkassokrav (1:00)
The Chitz (Canada) - Bingo Riot + Dumb Girls (1:27)
Defy (U.S.A.) - Living To Die (1:17)
Pandemia Sistema (Ukraine) - Nie Poddam Sie (2:34)
Ratbag (U.S.A.) - Sack Of Flesh (1:54)
Lost World (Germany) - Media Mindcontrol (1:54)
Frente Urbano (Colombia) - Teknology (1:53)
-Antitedax (Spain) - Necesitamos (1:13)
20 Minutes De Chaos (France) - Hiroshima Dirt (1:41)
Combat Not Conform (Germany) - Into Abyss (1:34)
Liberakzion (Spain) - Porkeria (2:43)
Haervaerk (Denmark) - Statens Myrderi (2:39)
VA - We’re Still Pissed! An Int. Female Fronted HC-Punk Compilation Disc 4
Beyond Pink (Sweden) - Walking Bajamaja (1:22)
Prawo Do Jazdy (Poland) - Tylko Nie Ja (1:40)
Arma Laranja (Brasil) - Gravacao Rocha #3 (2:11)
My Precious (Japan) – Things I Get You (2:12)
Co2 (Spain) - La Cultura Del Terror (1:46)
Crushedxup (Italy) - Brainwashing (0:57)
Pandamonium (U.S.A.) - No Expectations (1:04)
Bored To Death (U.S.A.) - I Wanna Leave (1:05)
The Chitz (Canada) - Bingo Riot + Dumb Girls (1:27)
Confusa (Finland) - Suru (1:14)
Hyper Hindu Squatters (Japan) - “¯ˆÊ�Ü�à (1:25)
The Conversions (U.S.A.) - Dictated Desires (1:36)
The Voids (U.S.A.) - Forgotten (1:01)
I Still Believe (U.S.A.) - Fuck You Jesus (1:43
Anarcolepsia (Spain) - Y De Que Mas… (1:46)
Day By Day (Germany) - Way Of Life (1:31)
Diaspora (Finland) - Extinction (2:08)
Bread And Water (U.S.A.) - Death Sentence (1:18)
The Fight (Poland) - Belive (1:44)
Alakulttuurin Kusipaat (Finland) - Noitavaino (2:27)
Condenada (U.S.A.) - Amor Es Amor (2:06)
Deathwish Kids (U.S.A.) - Hood (1:08)
Desadaptados (Guatemala) - Lamentos De Suburbio (2:52)
Bitchfits (U.S.A.) - We Bite (1:09)
Piscia Korsakov (Italy) - Non Mi Avrete Mai (1:43)
Look Back And Laugh (U.S.A.) - Kick The Chair (1:12)
Shotgun (Japan) - Impatient (1:50)
Fight For – Oltre Per Te Non Ce Niente (1:47)
Banjax - 29-Banjax (Japan) - Lust (1:10)
Melena (Finland) - Medikalisaatio (1:15)
La Madre - Contrabando De Intereses (2:33)
Signal Lost (U.S.A.) - Bow To None (1:47)
Anxtv (Italy) - 1984 (3:06)
Kaos Klitoriano (Brasil) – Anti Patriarcal (1:20)
Besta Fera (Brasil) - Qaueles Outros (2:28)
Third Death (U.S.A.) - Lights Stay On (0:47)
Mankind (U.S.A.) - Let Her Be (2:18)
La Pestilencia (Colombia) - Verde Paz (1:53)
Penadas Por La Ley (Argentina) - Vos Sos La Autoridad (1:28)
Jiheart (Belarus) - Thank You (3:32)
VA - We’re Still Pissed! An Int. Female Fronted HC-Punk Compilation Disc 5
Omnicidal System (U.S.A.) - Blood For Oil…Bring The Troops Home! (1:45)
Ripshit (U.S.A.) - Raze The Walls (1:42)
Pogotowie Seksualne (Poland) - Grzech (2:01)
Fucknuckles (U.S.A.) - Living Under Harris (1:36)
Gruk (U.S.A.) - Murder Me (0:38)
Gomek (U.S.A.) - Other Cities (0:44)
Commander Control (Germany) - Girls (2:02)
Katie Katty (Japan) - Bandit (2:19)
F.U.A.L. (Ireland) - Never Make A Statement (1:26)
Korrupte Oppkastere (Denmark) - Maltraktering Er Gøy! (1:12)
Road Rage (U.S.A.) - Ex Best Friend (0:51)
The Rules - We Won’t Brake (1:47)
Shitloads Of Fuckall (Canada) - Sentenced To Death (1:25)
Fuera De Linea (Chile) - No Hay Razón (1:00)
The Voids (U.S.A.) - My Rules.Wma (0:55)
Reaching Hand (Portugal) - Nothing Left (1:49)
Hardcore Fan Club (Japan) - It’s Violent (1:45)
Parasitas (Brasil) - A Ameaca (1:42)
Libertad Condicional (Spain) - Punkis Macarras (1:43)
Choke Cocoi (Philipines) - Karamihan Ng Tao Ay Pu (3:49)
Los Chupuceros (Venezuela) - Impotente (2:44)
Acute (Japan) - Dictator (2:12)
Society Gang Rape (Sweden) - Anorectic (1:49)
Gross National Product (U.S.A.) - Iraqiccino (0:55)
Mind Of Asian (Japan) - Satisfaction! (1:22)
Bakterien Kavalkada (France) - Paraziten (0:59)
Cosmogonia (Brasil) - T.V. Inculta (1:39)
Endrophobia (Germany) - Believe (1:13)
De Fatwa’s (Holland) - Dont Buy (1:16)
Lady! Die (Holland) - Show Me Your Face! (1:11)
Grocery Thief (U.S.A.) - Soggy Brains (0:44)
Mujina (Japan) - Kanji Title (2:33)
The Fa (Germany) - Wait And Pass Out (0:38)
Concrete Bombers (U.S.A.) - Broke Deck (1:11)
The Twats (U.S.A.) - T.W.A.T. (1:22)
Last Sentence (Japan) - Lost Order (1:42)
Straight Edge Kegger (U.S.A.) - Either Way You’re Filthy (0:45)
Punch (U.S.A.) - Nothing Left (1:48)
The Dast (Japan) - Kanji Title (1:32)
No Fun (Canada) - Stop Depress (1:26)
About the Girl Germs: a Brooklyn scene report translation: thanx you that helped to spread.
Dear Íris Nery posted about on Destemidxs, Kate Wadkins (who wrote, bassist, for the brids, teacher, activist) did too, and from twitter some grls and boys help too.
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caraaaaaio! qnt baaaaaandaaaaaaa! hehehehehehe fodaum hein??? :)
Anarcolepsia was from Venezuela, not spain! But its ok! thanks for putting us in th compilation!
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